Sunday 10 July 2011

Junkies for Junk (Jewelry). :P

So I am going to start with a few things we already own and as i wrote earlier all these are quite affordable. sorry for the uncoordinated pictures thought, we'll try and get better. :)

 Tanushree's  favorite thing. Which girl doesn't like butterflies anyway ? :)

This is from  Accessorize !

Give Peas a chance ;)

I made. I made. :D

I had some unused small lockets and stuff with me, so i collected them in a chain :)
P.S: These are only few things among our junkiee collection, we shall return after a photo shoot shortly ;)

Junkies for Junk (Jewelry)

So I was at this amazing fair yesterday and trust me when I say this, i have never seen something like that place/thing. every step that you'd walk through that place, you'll find something new to drool over. The unique and detailed Indian craftsmanship was everywhere to be seen. This fair was on a lower scale as it was just only  jewelry and merchandise exhibiting but they have the annual fair in October and it's to die for ! We weren't allowed to click picture inside the fair but i somehow managed to click a few.

  I saw this this flower ring, made of ivory and it was an instant love. :D

and these two earrings are among my side love too :)

Friday 8 July 2011

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Welcome :)

Hola everybody :)
Okay so this thing that I am doing now (making a fashion blog) has been on my to-do list from a long long time now. I have always needed some company
to get me started with something major (don't judge me) so I was overjoyed when my best friend agreed on doing this with me.
So like a lot of other people, my life is a lot about fashion and things that come with it .. Me and my best friend are complete walnuts about the two "F's" .
Food and fashion :P the other other "F" that you might prolly think about hasn't  made that big of an impact as of now :P (we both will be turning 19 really soon BTW).

Coming back to what I wanted to write, I see a lot of fashion blog these days have become about hopelessly expensive brands and things that everybody can't afford. Especially in India, half of those brands don't even exist (no offence to those blogs). So, after feeling really bad about not being able to own those expensive clothes which wont stop seducing us, Me(Tanvi) and my Tanushree  thought of making a blog about fashion which is affordable. We go around the streets(not literally) of Delhi and pick out stuff for you which is pocket friendly yet fashionable.
I hope this works.
*Fingers crossed*

happy reading :)

P.S I hope you dont mind the bad photography and a little flawed language. We promise to get better ! :)